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hi guys, I was wondering if you can help me out. I'm having an issue with adobe flash player. the problem is the newest one (64-bit) and it was after the upgrade to 10.9.4. I resolved this by installing Adobe Flash Player 11 from the archive (from http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/win/11/flashplayer-11-2_1.zip ). I tried installing the 64-bit version, but that fails. Perhaps because it is a bit new. It suggests going to software update and then updating Flash Player. According to this, uninstall the updated Flash Player, and then install the older version. I tried this, however it does not seem to work. This is what happens: http://imgur.com/96d3i0B - What does this mean? Perhaps someone has had similar problems :)
when i rebooted C.S.A.S. after installing the hack boot2 CD, i keep on getting stuck at the apple logo then when i switch to Console, i get white screen. googled around and found this on apple.com and i tried the fix ;p Boot2CDWorkaround
I lost my password for my active directory so I reinstalled Lion and it appears that I now have a new password that is not going to my computer and I can't log onto it. I have tried the usual Apple, resetting the network, deleting my password and recreating it and none of them have been successful. I have also reinstalled Lion because I didn't want to loose my files.
Cutover TEST Job org.oracle.coherence.cutover.test.job.CUTOVER_TEST_JOB loc. zip for need for speed the run english language patch For more information on enabling cutover, please see enabling cutover section.
$ OAIMGR register -work -OIM_CmdScript=/u01/oracle/oim/cstore/im/register/icfcmdscript/IMPreCoverageSto loc. zip for need for speed the run english language patch The Coherence bundled installer also installs a default cutover job that does not require user input, or allow customization. The job is named “nfscoveragerun" and is located at "/u01/oracle" d2c66b5586