Reality Sets
Meta had a tough year in 2022 as skepticism rose around its big bet on the metaverse and weakness in the core business forced it to lay off 11,000 people. But the company remains committed to its vision for mixed reality, based on a series of blog posts launched today.
Meta suffered a blow last week when wunderkind consultant John Carmack resigned from the company after working on its virtual reality technology since 2013. And the company has suffered a lot of ridicule from investors and others who believe it is crazy to lose around $3 billion a quarter in its Meta Reality Lab division, which makes virtual reality and augmented reality products such as the Meta Quest 2 and the Meta Quest Pro.
He pointed to the launch of the $1,500 Meta Quest Pro mixed-reality headset in October as a key accomplishment on the road to bringing high-end VR to enterprises. The headset is packed with sensors, AR tech, eye-tracking and face-tracking tech that will be key to future applications.
He said that mixed reality is about more than just displaying a live video feed of your surroundings inside the headset. For it to work properly, the headset needs to understand your room as a 3D space, recognizing the surfaces and objects around you and how they can interact with digital objects, he said.
Earlier in February LEGO announced the new augmented reality themes as Hidden Side to help bridge physical and digital play. We also had our first in-person look at it at the New York Toy Fair. Today, 7 of the 8 Hidden Side set details were revealed. These are slated to be released on August 1st.
But entrepreneurs in the weed trade, despite landing in hot markets like Colorado, face a bit of a reality check. That's due, in part, to a lack of traditional financing tools like banking, and still growing stream of venture capital into the industry.
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