Performance Fuel Injection Systems HP1557 How To Design Build Modify And Tune EFI And ECU Syste =LINK=
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Performance Fuel Injection Systems Repair Manual by HP Books. HP1557. How to Design, Build, Modify, and Tune EFI and ECU Systems.Covers Components, Se nsors, Fuel and Ignition Requirements, Tuning the Stock ECU, Piggyback and Stan. A practical guide to modifying and tuning modern electronic fuel injection (EFI) systems, including engine control units (ECUs). The book starts out with plenty of foundational topics on wiring, fuel systems, sensors, different types of ignition systems, and other topics to help ensure the reader understands how EFI Systems work. Next the book builds on that foundation, helping the reader to understand the different options available: Re-tuning factory ECUs, add on piggyback computers, or all out standalone engine management systems. Next Matt and Jerry help the reader to understand how to configure a Standalone EMS, get the engine started, prep for tuning, and tune the engine for maximum power and drivability. Also covered is advice on tuning other functions-- acceleration enrichments, closed loop fuel correction, and more. This service manual by HP Books provides the most comprehensive repair information in paper format available on the market. This manual is produced using the highest quality printer available. 153554b96e