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Let's hope that the next writer finds a much more intuitive way to boil an egg. You'd hate to have to tell a reporter in 2018 to "crack open the shut off valve, turn the water off and set the egg in a bowl of cold water."
Drip an egg at each of the faucet outlets and see if they all turn off. If not, then find out where they go off and fix it. Don't be in a hurry, though: Inrenovations Corp. advises we let the water run for about 5 minutes.
4. Start at each fixture in sequence and instruct the user to turn the cold-water faucet on to low flow for 20 seconds. Turn off the faucet. If the low flow valve shuts off and the hot-water faucet shuts off, then run the water through the pipes in the hot-water line until the cold-water faucet has an unrestricted flow. Disconnect the hot water from the low flow valve.
Now, will I do this every time I boil an egg? Probably not. Maybe when I'm craving a single hard-boiled egg. But this trick wouldn't work with, say, a soft 6-minute egg, which is my favorite way to eat eggs. And if I'm boiling a dozen eggs to devil, then it's more likely I'd just crack the bottoms of each and let them sit in a bowl of cold water as Merrill's mother does. d2c66b5586