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You must be using a value that is outside the limit set within FMRTE hence the keywords, outside the bounds. There is no list of syntaxes that explains what each command does. All I can say is to do trial and error, but I am sure someone here has a list however small.
The degree of movement at the hip joint dictates how the socket slides or glides on the ball and the degree of muscle inhibition is critical in this regard. So, in this study it was found that 4 weeks of STA, paired with only 7 weeks of over-loading and 4 weeks of self-paced recovery (Wii Fit: Battle Mode) it inhibited hip flexor muscles, treated the weakened hip flexors muscles and increased gliding at the hip joint in two healthy subjects. That is why the first case shows effectiveness in improving the control of the hip socket, while the second case shows effectiveness in improving ball control. d2c66b5586