CRACK Proxy 3 In 1 Installer For Windows [squid-proxy-server] !!EXCLUSIVE!!
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I want to know the capacity to use a proxy squid with redhat 6.3 just for the authentication with active directory with windows 2008 r2 to be great. I will use only the proxy for that ans i need a good conf for the server redhat, how much RAM, Disk etc to be fine for sure. CRACK Proxy 3 in 1 installer for Windows [squid-proxy-server] I want to know the capacity to use a proxy squid with redhat 6.3 just for the authentication with active directory with windows 2008 r2 to be great. I will use only the proxy for that ans i need a good conf for the server redhat, how much RAM, Disk etc to be fine for sure. CRACK Proxy 3 in 1 installer for Windows [squid-proxy-server] I want to know the capacity to use a proxy squid with redhat 6.3 just for the authentication with active directory with windows 2008 r2 to be great. I will use only the proxy for that ans i need a good conf for the server redhat, how much RAM, Disk etc to be fine for sure.
I want to know the capacity to use a proxy squid with redhat 6.3 just for the authentication with active directory with windows 2008 r2 to be great. I will use only the proxy for that ans i need a good conf for the server redhat, how much RAM, Disk etc to be fine for sure.
rdnpasswd -l | while read user password realm admin; do rdnlogin -p $password -e $user -a $realm $proxy $proxy done username is the name of a user that needs to use this proxy. password is the user password. realm is the URL to log in to.
The problem is that in windows i have to install the squid to be able to have the auth and i cant use it because i need that the user log on and the windows access the active directory with that account. d2c66b5586