Srs Audio Essentials Fixed Keygen
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SRS Audio is pleased to offer a 30 day free trial of this audio control software. To request a free trial, click here or download the free trial version of the software from the SRS Audio Sandbox web site .
SRS Audio Sandbox is a beta product and is unlikely to work perfectly. In particular, this product is not meant to replace a sound system that has been installed with professional audio equipment.
SRS Audio Sandbox will enable a user to:
Switch audio from the speakers to a headphone port
Enable or disable the speakers to restrict audio output to the headphones
Select a target audio device such as an external sound card
Adjust the volume levels
Launch a software defined radio application
SRS Audio Sandbox is ideal for homes where installations will be carried out in a single room. It will be possible for users to switch on and off the audio output for selected devices, as well as to control and use a software defined radio application. The software will be installed on the user’s computer and will be accessible via a web browser. The software may be updated at a later date.
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